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      So you've just bought a character from me. Congrats! They're all yours. However, there are some terms of use you agree to acknowledge when you purchase the character from me. Failure to follow these will result in consequences.

1. You may not claim that you created this character. Credit will still be due to me in regards to the original artwork that you purchased in the package advertising the character (reference sheet & additional art done by me.) You are allowed to repost the art with credit to me as the designer and claim the character as your own.

2. You are allowed to change this character's personality/gender/sexuality/name/etc while retaining the same general design of the character. You may make SMALL changes to the original design (colours, markings, body type) without altering it so that it is completely unrecogniseable as the character originally sold to you. If you want these changes, I would be happy to be the artist to make edits for you!

3. You are obviously allowed to commission artwork of this character from other artists! The character is yours in that regard entirely. 

4. Please use this character with care. I will not tolerate art of my designs that include subjects such as NSFW artwork with underage characters, hate speech & racism, or propaganda for a known hate group. 

5. Design may be resold if you purchased it from me. If you don't feel attached to it any longer, feel free to resell it! Once you resell the design, it is no longer yours.

6. Do not take payment to edit on top of my artwork or pay others to edit on my artwork. Please make/purchase new artwork if money for edits is involved.

7. Do not use my art of the design for profit in any way, including in games/comics/videos and other mass media consumed materials for profit.

   If you have any other questions regarding further usage of the character that were not answered here, feel free to ask! I'm always open to discussion in my DMs on Twitter @ritwells.

© 2017 by RC Langston. Proudly created with

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